Among the training equipment, dumbbells are one of the most commonly used equipment, and some people are very familiar with dumbbells. In training movements, dumbbells are used in many movements, but these movements are also very particular. Some people still know what dumbbell chest exercises are. So, what are the most reasonable dumbbell chest exercises? Let’s take a look.
Dumbbell Fly
1. Lie on your back on a narrow bench (20 to 25 cm wide), Hold the bell in both hands, palms facing each other. Keep your upper back close to the stool, keep your spine physiologically curved, and tighten your core! When lowering the dumbbell, focus on the chest seam. Use the tension of the chest muscles to control the slow lowering of the dumbbell. At the same time, fully inhale and lift the chest to the full extent. When lifting, rely on the contraction of the chest muscles to drive the arms upward until the dumbbells touch. This can avoid excessive participation of the shoulders and back.
2. In order to fully stretch the pectoral muscle fibers, the weight used should also be moderate, 8 to 15 times per group is appropriate. The first group should be about 15 times, then do 3 groups of 10 to 12 times, and the last group can be reduced to 8 times, completing a total of about 5 groups.
Dumbbell arm extensions
1. Hold a dumbbell in each hand in a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Bend your knees slightly and bend your upper body forward while keeping your back straight until your torso is nearly parallel to the floor, making sure to lift your head.
2. The upper arm on the weight-bearing side should be close to the torso and parallel to the ground, with the forearm pointing toward the ground. This is the starting position of the movement. Keeping your upper arms stationary, use your triceps to lift the weight and exhale, extending your arms so that your forearms are parallel to the floor.
3. Like many other arm exercises, only the forearms move. Contract at the top for a second, slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position and inhale.
Decline Dumbbell Bench Press
1. Lie on your back on the inclined board with your feet fixed, head down, so that your body is 20 to 40 degrees from the ground, and your hands naturally hold the dumbbells in your fists. On the contrary, during the preparation, the dumbbells are placed outside the lower edge of the pectoralis major muscle.
2. At the beginning, contract the chest muscles to push the dumbbell up and inward. When pushing to the top, your elbows are not locked and the dumbbell heads are close to each other. Pause for 1 to 3 seconds to allow the chest muscles to continue to tense.
3. Then slowly lower the dumbbell to the starting position.
Decline Barbell Bench Press
1. Lie on your back on the inclined board with your feet fixed, head down, so that your body and the ground are at an angle of 20 to 40 degrees. The distance between your hands is about wider than Shoulders, use an overhand grip on the bar.
2. After lifting the bar, control your arms and slowly lower the barbell to the lower edge of the chest muscles.
3. Then push the barbell vertically upward, on the vertical line of the shoulder joint, and return to the starting position.
Low steel cable chest
1. Stand in the middle of the double-arm training machine with your feet staggered in front and back, and place a bar on one side. Adjust the grip position to just below shoulder height. Hold the handles with your palms facing forward and your arms parallel to the ground. Keep your elbows slightly bent.
2. Tighten your chest muscles, push your arms forward of your body, and lean your upper body slightly forward. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.
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