Wide-grip seated row: Build more sculpted shoulders!

★ Posted on 12-30,2024

< span style="font-size: 14px;">Seated rowing is one of the best exercises in the gym to exercise your back muscles!

The most common one is the narrow-grip seated rowing, which focuses on training our latissimus dorsi, trapezius and rhomboids

According to different grip distances, The grip and other changes will focus on stimulating different muscle areas!

The seated rowing we will introduce today mainly targets our weak posterior shoulders (rear deltoid muscles)!

The rear deltoid muscles are actually involved in close-grip rowing, but their role is to extend the shoulders just like the latissimus dorsi! Usually because the latissimus dorsi is dominant, there is no feeling!

But we can solve this situation through some changes!

Use a wide grip or add elements of shoulder abduction

Compared with a narrow grip, a wide grip increases the angle of shoulder horizontal abduction and reduces the angle of shoulder extension, which will reduce the involvement of the latissimus dorsi and at the same time Our upper back and rear deltoid muscles will be strengthened!

Especially when the elbow is raised toward the level (abduction), the feeling of the deltoid muscle is even stronger!


When sitting on the equipment, open your arms to both sides, the upper arms are parallel to the ground, bend the elbow joint to 90 degrees, and then naturally grasp the handle forward, using a wide grip. Then adjust the height of the seat so that the arms are parallel to the ground and the elbow joints cannot exceed the shoulders. And adjust the resistance to your own weight.

Action process:

1. Step on the ground with both feet, tighten your abdomen, lift your chest, sink your shoulders, and lower your jaw Slightly close.

2. Contract the back shoulder, abduct the shoulder, and at the same time bend the elbow and pull up. Pull the handle back until the elbow joint is flush with the back, stay for a second, and then return it forward to the arm. Bend slightly, do not relax completely, and control your movements to avoid injury.

During the completion of the movement, you must always keep your abdomen, shoulders down, and chest straight to avoid losing control of the shoulder blades when returning, and the upper arms tend to be parallel to the ground and not close to the body. Focus on the back of your shoulders and feel the slight soreness caused by muscle contraction.

Repeat each group 12-15 times, then rest for about 1 minute before doing the next group. Complete 3-4 sets of each workout.

Tip: Extend your elbows outward as you pull the weight toward your face, and at each ( reps) The end of the movement must squeeze your shoulder blades

Points to note:

1. Think about feeling the posterior deltoid muscles when pulling up. contraction, rather than shaking the body. When pulling up, tighten the waist and abdomen and try not to shake the trunk to maintain balance.

2. When pulling up, fully develop the back shoulders.

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