Complete illustration of triceps stretching exercises

★ Posted on 01-05,2025

The triceps brachii is an extensor muscle of the posterior group of the upper arm, which mainly controls the movement of the elbow joint. It is good for a person to do some stretching exercises before and after training the triceps, but many people do not know how to stretch the triceps. So, what are the triceps stretching exercises? Let’s take a look!


Triceps stretching (62 muscle stretching tutorials, teach you how to stretch the triceps. )

Action 1

1. Stand with your back and neck straight. You can also complete it in a sitting position.

2. Flex the right shoulder and elbow joint and try your best to touch the right scapula. Keep your upper arms as close to your ears as possible, with the back of your humerus pointed forward, not turned out to the side. This will maximize lengthening of the triceps.

3. You can grab the right elbow with your left hand to provide resistance for the isometric contraction of the right triceps brachii, keep the neck upright, and continue isometric contraction for 6 seconds, then breathe normally.

4. After isometric contraction, relax and take a deep breath. As you exhale, touch your hands further down your back to further lengthen your triceps.

Action 2

1. Hold the towel with one hand, raise your arm similarly, bend your elbow, place your hand on the midline of your back, and let the towel droop naturally.

2. Use your other hand to hold the other end of the towel at a comfortable position such as your waist or hip, and gently pull down to complete the stretching exercise.

Action 3

1. Raise your arms to shoulder level, keep your upper arms level with the ground, and point your fingers straight upward.

2. Use your other arm to gently pull the arm to be stretched toward your torso.

3. Keep your torso and head still while doing this action.

The role of triceps stretching(triceps stretching teaching allows you to effectively stretch your triceps Muscle. )

1. The stretching function of the triceps brachii is the extension of the elbow joint and the adduction of the shoulder joint.Complete actions such as pulling or cutting.

2. It can improve the stiffness and tightness of the triceps brachii, exercise the stretching ability of the muscles and tendons, increase muscle elasticity, facilitate the reserve of more elastic potential energy during exercise, and enhance the exercise of the triceps muscles. Effect.

3. Stretching the triceps before exercise increases body temperature and increases joint range of motion, thereby avoiding sports injuries, and stretched muscles can perform better than unstretched muscles. Under pressure.

National team rehabilitation trainer explains: 62 muscle stretches

Lesson 1: Scalenes, platysma

Lesson 2: Scapular levitation Muscle, sternocleidomastoid

Lesson 3: Splenius capitis, splenius cervix, suboccipital muscles

Lesson 4: Middle and upper trapezius, rhomboids

Lesson 5: Deltoid, supraspinatus

Lesson 6: Infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis

Lesson 7: Latissimus dorsi, teres major , pectoralis minor, pectoralis major

Lesson 8: iliocostalis, longissimus, spinalis, quadratus lumborum

Lesson 9: multifidus, rotators, abdominal muscles Internal oblique, external oblique, rectus abdominis

Lesson 10: psoas major, iliacus, quadriceps

Lesson 11: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius , gluteus minimus, piriformis

Lesson 12: Serratus anterior, intertransverse process, interspinalis

Lesson 13: Hamstring, popliteus

Lesson 14: Gastrocnemius, soleus, flexor digitorum longus, flexor pollicis longus

Lesson 15: Tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus, extensor pollicis longus, peroneus longus, peroneus brevis Muscles

Lesson 16: Biceps Brachii, Triceps Brachii

Lesson 17: Wrist Flexor Muscle Group, Wrist Extensor Muscle Group

Lesson 18: Rotation Anterior and supinator muscles

Lesson 19: Pectineus, adductor magnus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, gracilis

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